Stay Connected During Construction, Join the Business Stakeholder Group.

SR37 & 141st Street Business Stakeholder Meeting (Virtual): Tuesday, June 4th @ 11AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 757 8085 5614

During this virtual meeting, the project team will share information about the construction of the SR37 & 141st St. interchange and what you’ll need to know for the summer months ahead. 

Join Our Business Stakeholder Email List

Providing information to businesses during construction is important.  Please join the 37Thrives Business Stakeholder Group by providing your email.  You will receive information consistently to ensure you have accurate details and resources to share with your customers.  To join this group, please email your name, business name, and a contact phone number to:

Keriann Rich,Honest Digital

37Thrives Business Outreach Representative


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